Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Financial Headline You'll Never See

Did you catch this story that made big news last week? The Yahoo! headline read:

"Ex-hedge fund manager ordered to pay $300 million."

It's about former hedge fund manager Paul Eustace who, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, "cheated clients by sending out fake account statements." Evidently Eustace told clients that their portfolios were valued at over $230 million while he "fraudulently operated the funds and lost millions of dollars."

So what's the financial headline I bet you'll never see?

"Ex-index fund manager ordered to pay $300 million"

I wonder how many more millions of dollars Eustace's clients would have in their portfolios right now if they had just put all their money in a low cost index fund or ETF instead of a risky (and evidently fraudulent) hedge fund.

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